Thursday, November 8, 2007

#15 Web 2.0/Library 2.0 .... The future?

Technology certainly has come a long way, in a very short time frame, there are still people out there who think that 'Google' is the internet and I can see more people getting left behind in the technology game. I think in the future libraries will still be used for people to borrow books from, and to get information from but the information will be in a different format. People will be more likely to contact the library online, whether it be through a website, a chat room, a networking site or something similiar, and then library staff will deliver the information in an electronic format. Libraries will become more important in regional and rural areas, where other services may close down, the library space will be used by different community groups, and this will be one way that the library can help the community use the internet, the web 2.0 technologies.
I personally would like to visit my library in a virtual format - where I can enter it online, browse the new books as if I was standing in front of them, select what I want and then get them sent out to me - this way I would never have to enter the physical space of the library. Although, I still like the idea of holding a physical book in my hands to read, don't really want to read from the screen....just yet anyway :-)

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