Thursday, November 8, 2007

#13 Del.i.cious

Yum, yum, yum!
I love delicious. I have created an account and have also downloaded some very useful delicious buttons. I have the tag button, which means than when i visit a webpage that I want to save, all I have to do is click on the tag button. This has been extremely useful when I am reading through the blogs that I subscribe to. Quite often I see a website or something that someone has pointed me to and I don't always time straight away to explore it further, now all I do is tag it for later on! And if it is just a 'fun' site then I tag it with 'fun' so I can look back later on for anything that I thought was fun!
The other great thing with delicious is that it is just like your favourites, except you can access it from any computer.
So, I will be using delicious all the time, in my work life and personal life!

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