Sunday, October 21, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I did not get into this as much as some of the other tasks... (I am still enjoying playing around with online image generators!!).
I have created one search engine which is titled 'Books'. It is made up of some the book shops that I regularly use to buy online from...I thought that this could be used when I want to find out the price of a book that I wish to purchase, rather than going into each book shop individually, I can just use my 'rollyo'.....

And if you look on the left hand side of my blog, under 'about me', and 'my librarything', you will see my Rollyo search box!

#11 Library Thing

It is interesting to see that libraries are starting to use LibraryThing tags, in their online catalogues. I do like this idea as I think sometimes when people are searching the catalogue, they might not necessarily know how books are catergorized... this way, people can put in their own keywords and they are more likely to get a result. I also like the way that the tags appear.... you get a lot more suggestions to try different words... it is kind of like a Google, 'did you mean?'
I have not linked to my library thing catalogue but instead have added some code so that random covers of my books will appear on my blog!

Friday, October 19, 2007

# 7 Something technology related that interests me..

I know I am doing this out of order.... I think I must of got too excited playing with Flickr and I forgot to do this task!

Well, the thing that is technology related that interests me today is.... Bluetooth!
I have just discovered how to transfer photos and music from my mobile phone over to my lap is so easy, and it is also heaps easier than connecting my phone to the lap top with a cable and transferring them that way. All I do is have my lap top on, click on the photo I want to send to it, then choose bluetooth and the photo goes straight to my is great!

I am also liking, which is a site I found when I was sick and laying on the couch with my lap top... it is an online community where you can join up and learn a new language...all free! You just chose which language you want, then you start learning with online course notes. 'No soy hombre'.... (I am not a man)- in Spanish! Check it out here...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

#10 - Online Image Generators

Fun, Fun, Fun - that is what I have been having for the past few hours playing around and creating things!!! I found some great online generators at generator fun online.
And I have included three of my creations to show off on my blog!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Still going at it.....

Reading blogs that is!
One of the blogs that I subscribe to is Information wants to be free written by Meredith Farkas

Check out her blog for a list of lots, lots and lots of library related blogs...

#9 News Feeds - gotta love ANZ Ref

Well, I just logged onto the ANZ Ref centre through our libraries online databases... did a bit of a publication search and found all of the publications that I was looking for, 'Incite', 'Magpies', 'Reading Time' and even 'Macworld' (I am the proud new owner of an Apple MacBook)... and I have just subscribed to alerts from these publications..Yay!! It was so easy, I just clicked on the little orange RSS button, then clicked on the alert link and I was then asked, 'would you like to add this to Google Reader? I said YES and it was added.
I just love RSS feeds etc because basically I am a lazy person.... i want to sit at home and have all of the information and news that I need coming straight to me, rather than me having to go searching for it! I have subscribed to around 70 blogs/news feeds...I check them every second day or so and I have gotten extremely good at 'browsing'.. I just read the headlines, like you would a newspaper, and then only read the things that think I really should!

#8 Feed reader..

I must admit that I have already been on the 'RSS Feed' bandwagon for a few months now... I started by using Bloglines and I did like it, I searched through technorati to find some interesting blogs... and I got used to reading them every few days. The one posting mentioned the 'Google Reader', and so I thought I would try that...and I have not looked back. I like it better than Bloglines as I find it easier to use, it is great that I can email posts to people, or share them, or star them... and I find it a lot easier subscribing to posts.
So I have to say, Google Reader is the way to go for me!